
Before going on the Green River I didn’t think camping was survivable, but after I realized how relaxing and important it is to explore the nature around us. Recently I went camping again, and it was a walk in the park. The river trip taught me how to see nature as our home and how to respect it. I now know that we need to keep what we have left of nature safe so we can connect with everything before us, and escape our crazy world.

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3 Responses to Camping

  1. says:

    Thanks for all the pictures and write-ups. I am a grandparent and really enjoyed read about their trip and see the pictures.

    Mary Turner

    Sent from Windows Mail


  2. jsadtler says:

    Great post, Margaret. I bet it did seem easy! So nice to hear from you. Enjoy the rest of your summer!


  3. tsadtler says:

    Great to hear about your camping trip. I’m sure your next few will be a breeze compared to what you accomplished on the Green River. I hope you continue to make some time to connect with the natural world, Margaret. Even as the buzz of the school year is upon us. I’ve committed to spending some afternoons on the trails around the Chattahoochee this fall. I’m going to try to keep up my journaling and sketching. Thanks for making such a great contribution to this trip!


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